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    abundant supplies of water and electricity in Kaohsiung 結果共1筆

  • TSMC advances with construction of Kaohsiung factories

    Taipei (TVBS News) - Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai has announced that Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) is making progress on schedule with the construction of its first factory in Kaohsiung. The second factory has also received the necessary license, and administrative procedures are underway. The city government has ensured that Kaohsiung has ample water and electricity supply, as well as available land. Plans are in place for a reclaimed water plant and the promotion of green electricity. The government is fully committed to assisting in the development of the industrial park, including urban planning, transportation improvements, and collaborations in talent training. Kaohsiung City Government is closely cooperating with TSMC to expedite the realization of the company’s advanced processing facilities.
    2023/12/27 10:30
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